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The Cooper Taylor Project.

The Cooper Taylor Project was a band; a goddam rock & roll band. Amongst the breadth of rock & roll cover bands in the universe, selling themselves for sing-alongs and consistent pay, having a good time nonetheless, The Cooper Taylor Project was created of originality and a reverence for the past. 



"Founded in San Francisco by two east coast musicians, The Cooper Taylor Project is the collaborative effort of singer-songwriters Joel Taylor and Ethan Cooper. With Cooper's poignant and enigmatic lyrics coupled with Taylor's high octane electric guitar, The Cooper Taylor Project is a modern rock n roll band with its foundation situated in the heyday of the greatest music ever. If Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan had a band together, it would be something like this."


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"Cooper's punk spin on Americana and Taylor's Hendrixy, grunge approach to the guitar makes a sound that's entirely new and also entirely loud."
- Turnstyle Music Group,
San Francisco, CA

The "Milk Bar" EP 

Released : June 8th, 2016

Download the album below

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